Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gettin' My Scrappiness On...

As I mentioned before my scrapbooking muse has been hibernating for a while.  I have attempted to rouse her this week with this flap-a-licious mini album.  I'm thinking Mothers' Day gift.  I added bits of bling here and there (definitely going through a bling phase right now - love me some Stickles).  Each flap lifts up to reveal a spot for a photo which then...get this...lifts up AGAIN for a spot to add some journaling - or another photo if you're so inclined.

Pardon my the background in the shots...I know it's awful.  But get this.  See those shadows?  SUNSHINE!  In Seattle!  It's high time the glowing orb has revealed itself, let me tell you.

Anyway, thinking I'm going to take this baby to the craft fair at Brighton Court in Lynnwood, WA on April 14th, 10 am - 3 pm.  Yep, this is a plug.  Lots of crafty goodness will be there and if you do come please stop by the Elves In The Attic table and say hello.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie, Thanks for the sweet comment. I'm a new follower.I couldn't find a place to follow by email. I love the 5 things taught album. Very crafty clever and collectable. I looked around your etsy blog too. Very nice and excellent photos. How's that going? There's always so much to see and learn on the internet. I love the name of your blog.


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!