I am so ready for some long, lazy summer days. I love to sit on my backyard deck soaking up some rays with a good book to keep me company. Sometimes I get book recommendations from friends or it might be something I grab off the display that the librarian has kindly put out at our local library.
I have a feeling this summer I'm going to get even more reading in. My daughter has decided to play club soccer again which means three times a week trips to practices that are too far away to come home between drop-off and pick-up.
In honor of my projected summer book-reading extravaganza I'm making some Summer Reading Journals. I hate it when I vaguely remember a book I've read but don't remember enough of it to know if it's recommendable (is that a word?). I'm going to make some for my kiddos too...they don't know that yet. :)
Not wanting to keep this excellent idea (if I do say so myself) all to my lonesome I'm also adding some to the shop. So far I've added these two:
At 4.25' x 5.5" these little gems fit nicely in a purse or beach bag. You can find them here in the shop.
Okay, Seattle weather gods. Please cooperate by giving me a nice, sunny summer!
These are super cute! What a great idea.