Friday, July 27, 2012

Opening Ceremonies Today!

As mentioned in an earlier post I am quite the fan of the Olympics.  We'll all be gathering around the TV tonight to watch the Opening Ceremonies and gearing up to cheer on the red, white & blue.  If I get my act together I may even be able to kill two birds with one stone and get some crafty stuff done while I'm watching.  Then again, that might require me to be super-organized.  Given my Procrastination Goddess title this may not work out.

First off for me will be cheering for the US Womens' Soccer team.  Several of the players play for our local Women Sounders team.  Can't wait to watch them this weekend as I had to miss the first game.  What about you?  Are you ready for some sporty action or would you rather the whole thing just be over with.  No worries.  I won't hold it against you.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. I was cheering the red , white and blues too ;) Stayed up till 3am here - it was addictive viewing. I thought my 3am days were long over, lol!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!