Sunday, November 11, 2012

More Ornaments!

Oh, lookie!  I love these ornaments.  They're so simple, homey and rustic.  I have some old music books that have seen better days so I used their pages as the background for the torn scrap paper hearts.  The raffia bow and inked red ornament toppers are the perfect final touch.

I am so happy with the way these turned out.  I have been wanting to make these for a while and, thanks to rainy Seattle skies and a quiet morning at the homestead, I was able to finish them up.  I've added them to the shop here.

It's beginning to look {a little} like Christmas...


  1. These are great, Julie! Love the way the music looks on them - good idea :) Liked the earlier ornament too - and your DH sounds like a 'keeper'!

  2. These are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. x


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!