Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Postcard Art -"Journaling on a Postcard" and Pinterest to the Rescue

My interpretation of this week's theme for Sunday Postcard Art was to create an art-journal-like piece on a postcard-sized base.  Mine is an example of something I'd put in my art journal and metamorphosed into being something completely different from what I had originally intended (as usual.  Do I say this every time?  I think I might.).  This time I thought of taking a couple of pictures while I was in the process.  You'll see what I mean about metamorphosis!

I needed some inspiration so I decided I'd look on Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's blog.  Her prompt was to look around your neighborhood.   I cut a 4" x 6" piece of cardboard from a cereal box for my base and prepared it for some bright Dylusions sprays.  Loved it.  I was thinking maybe some houses and trees maybe?  Slabbed some acrylic paint on bubble wrap and threw down a torn book page.  Then I decided that I wanted to play around with some techniques so I rummaged through my Pinterest boards and rediscovered Linda Cain's tag and thought,  "Oooohhh...pretty.  I want to do that."   Pulled out an open stencil and smooshed embossing paste through it. Nice, but how to add color?  Didn't think distress stains would work here so I dabbed some distress paint over the stencil...eewwww...that wasn't working for me.  In fact this is pretty ugly.  Ruined.

But then I remember somebody commenting about one of the cool things about art journaling is that you can just cover it up if you don't like it.   "Yes!  I can do that!"  (Bob the Builder just came to mind.  Now that's a flashback!  I digress...).  Slathered another layer of gesso over the whole thing.  It soaked up some of the Dylusions underneath - perfect.  What to do with this formerly bright, vibrant color turned to more of a pastel pallet?  I was thinking circles, looked for quotes, didn't find anything that resonated.  Pinterest!  I have a Well Said board so I looked over there and found it.  Spot on for this piece and definitely in line with my own odd sense of humor.

I love this little guy (Heart Boy) from Stampotique.  My kids gave him to me for Christmas.  :)

The bubbles are a pinker hue in real life and to make them bubblier I took some Diamond Glaze and rubbed it over them with my finger to add some shine, added a touch of turquoise Dylusions on the bottoms and a smidge of clear Stickles for sparkle (okay, you can't really see it in the pics, but take my word for it that it's there).

Tah-dah!  The finished postcard...

Thanks for stopping by and I wish you a spectacular Sunday!


  1. What a great imaginative card and love how you used the original piece. I do believe that there are no failures in art journaling- we learn and grow from our experiments ( as I like to call them LOL)!


    Foxglove Hollow

  2. "Fail"? Not even close, I like this the best of all the postcards this week! And the quote? Well, I'm stealing it. lol!

  3. I love your 'journey' (very journally word - lol)from something you didn't like and couldn't see a way round to your charming bubble postcard. Fab!

  4. Thanks for sharing your process, I just love your story!

  5. This is great and so darn cute. Thanks for sharing.

  6. your postcard is gorgeous!! cool quote!

  7. Fab quote, love how the postcard turned out in the end!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!