Tuesday, March 4, 2014

SDC 136 - Monochromatic

Tanja over at Stampotique Designers Challenge has decided the theme this week should be monochromatic.  I needed to make an ATC for a grey color association challenge so these two challenges dovetailed nicely.  :)

The grey color associations that I came up with for this are drudgery, tedious, monotony.  Fortunately I don't always feel this way on my way to work, but some days...


  1. Wow, this is absolutely fabulous, Julie !!
    Corrie x

  2. I have been retired for a few years now, but your ATC took me back to my working days in a heartbeat! In fact, Dolly Parton's song "From 9 to 5" also came flooding back. Give a listen! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaERHs8Q93E) You have so perfectly translated the lyrics to paper. No other color combination would work here, Julie. So lovin' this ATC!

  3. gorgeous atc, love everything about it!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!