Friday, June 27, 2014

A Beautiful Love Story - SDC 153

There was an SDC challenge a couple of weeks ago involving boxes and I was all psyched up to FINALLY alter one of the Altoid tin containers that I've been hoarding.  I got it all painted and then The Muse had other ideas so this blue box has been sitting on my desk mocking me.  Not sure what made me grab it today - maybe I just need it off my desk! - but here's what I did with it for this week's Anniversary, Wedding, Love challenge:

Part way through I thought of taking some process pictures so bear with me. :)

I had hoped to stamp Eric and Linda and add them on here but the heart took up more space than I thought.

Here's the back view.  I used all kinds of scrap pieces on the box - overspray, practice runs with stencils, stamping off, etc.

The lid in this photo shows the blue I started with.

  I wanted to make the heart out of paper clay, but it seems to have gone AWOL.  I had to get creative.  I grabbed some newspaper and masking tape to make a heart.

Next came a little more recycling.  I have a bunch of these colorful paper towels laying around.  I grabbed this one and another one with yellows and oranges to cover the heart.

 After I covered the heart I added a touch of glimmer mist to make it shine and then attached the heart to the box with aqua-colored wire.  I'd never tried punching through thicker metal with my Crop-o-dile before but it worked like a charm.

I used a quote from my Well Said pinterest board again this week. All that time I've spent pinning has really come in handy lately!

This was a feel-good, use up a bunch of stash and re-purpose things project. I've wanted to do an altered tin for so long (I've got a serious stash saved up) - lots of fun.

Thanks so much for swinging by to take a peek at my project.  Wishing you a delightful weekend.


  1. What a fabulous piece! I really love that you recycled and repurposed all the stuff you saved.

    Thanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges.

  2. Wonderful recycling here!!! Love your heart and your tin box, the colours are fab, that's a very lovely project Julie! :) Coco x

  3. Totally love this little blue box Julie! I'm so glad you finished it, it's brilliant! :D x

  4. Brilliant! I love your take on this challenge!

    Thank you for joining us at Stampotique Designer's Challenge. Gez

  5. This is such a great alteration, Julie! First, love the colors, but mostly, I love that heart! I would say that this project was really thinking outside of the box...but, well, never mind! Thanks for the inspiration on the Stampotique Designers' Challenge this week!

  6. Love your entry for this challenge! Great colours too. Thanks for joining the Stampotique DC

  7. Simply stunning, I love this Julie!! Gorgeous colourful tin and the contrasting heart is just brilliant, the shape is perfect :D Gay x

  8. Thanks so much for the kind comment you left on my blog today Julie! It meant I could come & see your fabulous little altered tin! It's absolutely gorgeous, & very inspiring!
    Alison xxx

  9. This is lovely, the heart is gorgeous! Thanks for joining us again at Stampotique this week.

  10. This is fabulous! Thanks for joining us at Stampotique again this week.

  11. Thanks for the kind comment you left on my Lin Brown canvas Julie.
    I love your beautiful and inspiring altered tin, and that fabulous heart!
    Alison x


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!