Monday, February 15, 2016

Love Is In The Air...

...well, it was yesterday.  Yes, I should have posted these yesterday, but it didn't even occur to me.  Let's just think of this as Love Month, shall we?  Or Valentines' Week?

I made these ATCs for a 'love' themed challenge.  The group I'm swapping with has a mixed media bent so I did my best to comply and whip out some of the stuff in my stash that I don't use often enough.

Okay, I don't know if this is going to sound weird, but I need to say it anyway.  My son saw the following card and raised an eyebrow (which blew me away BTWs).  He thought it was some kind of dis on gay rights.  Holy moly, dude. NO.  I have bros-in-law whom I adore who happen to be married to each other.  They are awesome.  I love them.  Really none of my beeswax what they do behind closed doors any more than it's their beeswax what I do behind my closed doors.  But I"m not married to a girl, I'm married to a dude.  Yowza.  A good discussion followed about art being from the artist's perspective, soul, heart, experience, etc.

Shall we contiue?  Yes let's.

 I really like the way the heart turned out so here's a close-up

It seems like my artsy bent has been a little less mixed media of late, or at least using the same ol' mediums, so it was fun to take a baby step outside the zone so to speak.

Happy Valentines Week!


  1. Love all of these, Julie, but especially the second one. The heart has great texture and colour.

  2. These are pretty. So many details and lovely texture on these tiny arty treasures. Hugz


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!