Friday, February 19, 2016

Mixed Media Inspiration Deck Challenge

It's not really an official challenge, but I've challenged myself to make my own inspiration deck of mixed media techniques.

You see, odd as it is since I have older kids, there doesn't seem to be a deck of cards in the house that is intact.  This perplexes me to no end and drives me a little nuts quite honestly (I'm one of those types who can't stand it when a game piece or puzzle piece is missing.  Very challenging as a preschool teacher.)  I decided to gather up the remains of several card decks and get creative with them. Oddly enough, I have 51 cards...figures.

I finished up a swap last week that was SO fun.  The hostess made a list of techniques, prompts, etc. and randomly assigned us 3 numbers to use on each card.  I borrowed many of her ideas for my inspiration deck list.  I also found many of them in a book I have Surface Treatment Workshop: Mixed Media Techniques.  Cool book.

The first card was finished last night.  It didn't really turn out as I had envisioned - can't say I love it - but perhaps it will offer some inspiration down the road.

Inspiration Deck Checklist: 
#1: Layers of holes
#32: Use a gelli print
#47: Make it dimensional (add foam dots, etc.)

I really just started out with #1 but the second two fell into place.  9 more cards are on my desk all gesso'd and ready to go.  :)

Have a great weekend!


  1. I am having fun altering my second deck of giant playing cards, this time for a dictionary challenge. I love your holey layers. May have to try and remember that. Hugz


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!