Tuesday, December 27, 2016

VLVS December Challenge: A Little Mail Art Fun

I'm sneaking in at the last minute of the VLVS December monthly challenge.  I was just addressing an envie for a Christmas thank you card and it occurred to me that a plain white envelope is WAY too boring (thank you VLVS for the Mail Art Monday posts).  :)

Isn't this more fun??

Love this quirky little dude!  My sister, who is the recipient, will get a chuckle out of it, too, I think.

Here is the inspiration pic from VLVS:

Happy Trails...


  1. This guy makes me laugh every time! Haha. Love your envelope, I'm sure your sis will love it!!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!