Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Reluctant Shopper ATC

The last few days I've been on a YouTube-watching binge checking out loads of gelli printing videos.  It has been a long time since I've played around with my gelli plate and I needed some inspiration.  It worked and I now have a big ol' stack of printed index cards sitting on my desk.  I used one of them to create this.  Behold, Willard...The Reluctant Shopper...

After OD'ing on the videos I decided to wander elsewhere in Internetopia when, lo and behold, I landed on the VLVS blog to be greeted by Tera Calahan's delightfully snarky envelope/card combo.  While there I said to myself, "Yo, Julie.  Long time since you've played along with a VLVS challenge," (which I couldn't argue with).  I sadly realized that I don't really have any Christmas-y VLVS stamps, but I do have some fun ones.  I love this guy and combined with my own tendency to procrastinate I think I found the perfect solution to my dilemma.

Thanks for peeking - hope you, too, got a chuckle...


  1. Julie, this is brilliant!I use to work in retail and on Christmas Eve the later it got in the evening the requests for the dollar amount on gift certificates got bigger.Ah, the last minute shoppers were with Willard!

    1. LOL! Thanks. Once upon a time I worked in retail, too, and vividly recall that short-lived feeling of relief as the Christmas Eve shift ended. Of course it was short-lived because all the returns and Big Sales started on the 26th!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!