Friday, February 1, 2019

A Project Gone Awry...OR The Muse Takes the Helm

The best of intentions...yada yada yada...

I joined this swap where we have to alter a teabag for an ATC.  "Sweet!", I say, excitedly, to myself, "I have one of those sitting in my stash waiting to be used on something."  So I busily get to work creating with my salvaged tea bag, acrylic paints, markers, ink, etc. Oh, I'm so pleased with myself for using something in my stash (rather than "collecting" which tends to be the norm).

See it?  Can you tell that I started with a lovely, simple, stained tea bag?  No.  No you cannot.  And that, my friends, is the problem.  The swap requires that you can tell there's a teabag there. (Enter heavy sigh...)  But all is not lost.  The February challenge over at Rubber Dance Art Stamps uses these colors so here is my colorful entry for the challenge.

Now to figure out what to do with my pretty, Rubber Dance-y ATC...

1 comment:

  1. Bwahaha, you sound like me!! I love this atc!!! Teabag or not! Lol if you want to swap I have a few ATC you might like. Or I can make a new one... fb message me if you want to ;) (it will come with mail art)


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!