Sunday, March 3, 2019

In Absentia, but not really...

It seems that I tend to post mostly about challenges that I'm entering.  Since I've been creating, but mostly for swaps not challenges, I haven't been posting much.  Here's a peak at what I've been up to...

For a 'labels' swap.  I went for a milk crate look and used these vintage embellishments that have been in my stash forEVER.

Mail art for a 'decorate your envelope' swap.  It was required to cover the WHOLE envelope.  Love Salvador spray painting...  :) 

Phyllis!  ATC using fiber.  She's got embroidery floss for hair.

Steampunk ATC.  Love this waspy critter.

ATC using the white glue crackle paint technique.

Mystery item ATC.  I had to use items sent to me (book page, bird image, bubbles washi tape) on my ATC.

ATC Halloween Movie Series: Nightmare on Elm Street.  This is a series I'm hosting over on Swapbot.  Sadly, there aren't a lot of  Halloween movie fan ATC creators.  There's not much participation.

That's what I've been up to.  What have YOU been working on??

1 comment:

  1. These are all great oh, but I died laughing when I read the bubbles one! I'm pretty sure I need to find that stamp in order it. Looks like you have been very busy!


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!