Saturday, November 23, 2019

25 Tags of Christmas: Days 1-3

I got on this band wagon a little late; it was halfway through November before I realized this challenge was going on.  I defnitely need gift tags for the holidays so why not dig into the stash to get creative?  (Great way to justify all of those purchases, hm?)

Here are my make-up day tags for the first few days...

Day 1: inspired by Svitlana

Day 2: I don't even know if it's fair to say "inspired by".  I pretty much copied Carly's tag.  I loved it! 
Day 3: inspired by Andrea
Schwoo...I'm all caught up!  I'm especially liking digging around in my stash to rediscover stamps that I'd forgotten about.  Time to dust those puppies off!

Happy Creating...🧝

1 comment:

I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!