Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Love - Hope - Imagine Art Journal Page

I have been trying to do something creative every day since I've been home.  Yesterday we had a first day of virtual preschool so I didn't get a chance to do anything arty.  And I noticed.  Creating is very therapeutic, I've found.  Today I got busy before school started to work in my mini art journal.

This little journal is pretty small and there wasn't much space left for written journaling; or at least not space that I wanted to write in.  My words weren't entirely random though.

I chose LOVE because as awful and disruptive as this pandemic is, I've found that I've really enjoyed all of this time at home with the people I love.  Without the distractions of work and school we have truly had some quality time together.

HOPE is because, of course, I hope this all ends soon.  I have been very fortunate so far in that nobody near to me has succumbed to this awful illness.  I do have loved ones that are vulnerable though and fervently hope casualties can be minimized for all.

I picked IMAGINE to remind myself that as time passes, while it certainly won't be forgotten, this relatively (hopefully!) quick blip in the grand scheme of things will be a distant memory.  I'm imagining the time when we'll all get back to work, school, social lives, etc. and doctors, nurses and other essential personnel won't be working themselves to exhaustion and putting themselves in harm's way without needed supplies. 

Wishing you well, my friends.

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I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!