Monday, October 12, 2020

"Hey, Little Boy" Canvas

 Here I am again with another 6"x6" canvas.  I think I've told this story here before, but it's an important part of this canvas's story.  

A friend of mine has four amazing sons.  When her oldest was 11 (about the time of the Ferguson riots) she made a comment about the discussions she has to have with her boys starting when they are very young; they are an African American family.  I was shocked.  It had never occured to me to have those discussion with my two caucasian sons.  It was an eye-opener and game-changer for me.  This is a great family - they are kind, compassionate, intelligent, thoughtful people  pillar of the community types.  Over the past seven months she has shared some of the experiences her sons have had out in public with people being blatantly racist, hostile and rude.  I don't know why I continue to be shocked that some people feel it's okay to treat others this way; we live in the Pacific NW, not the deep south.  

Anyway, I thought of her boys a lot as I finished this piece (this is not what I started out to make).  I thought of other kids who come from families that struggle economically, socially, and with other issues.  This quote, from The Help by Sue Monk Kidd, felt like a perfect fit.  I wish every child had someone whispering this in their ear each day.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings.  😃

1 comment:

  1. Like you I find it hard to get my head around the mind set of some/ I’ve lived in many different places and I’ve been friends with many nationalities.... all very fine people!

    Sally xx


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!