Thursday, March 31, 2022

#the100DayProject Days 8-20

 Oops...I was away on vacation for the first couple of weeks in March and got out of the habit of posting.  I still was though!

Here's a glimpse of what I did to #scopemystash for Days 8-20...

Day 8: Used a gel printed index card as a base, gold crackle paste (surprised it worked - it's OLD), snarky quotes, painted book page

Day 9: rubber stamps that have been in the stash for ages, paper scraps from my bin

Days 10 & 11: modeling paste (old), rubber stamps (old), stencils (old), Lindy's Magical shakers (old)

Day 12: crackle paste, paper dolls, Yahtzee score sheet, rubber stamp quote on tissue paper, spray inks

Day 13: pre-gel printed index card, acrylic ink,s archival ink, hand-carved stamp, acrylic marker, gel pen

Day 14: Zig markers (REALLY old), Pigma Micron pen

Day 15: Almost-sad story: woke up this morning thinking I had Covid TWO DAYS before we were supposed to leave on a trip to Europe; I was so bummed out.  Used: Archival ink, rubber stamp, book text, pre-gel printed index card, gel pen, Pitt pen, acrylic paint

Day 16: NeoColor II, magazine images, rubber stamps, Archival ink

Day 17: pencil, Color Burst powders

Days 18 & 19: Pigma Micron pen, watercolor pencils

Day 20: pre-gel printed index card, Pigma Micron pen, Stabilo pencil, NeoColor II, acrylic markers, metallic marker

I can really tell the days when The Muse was sitting on my shoulder and when she wasn't.  😉

Thanks for stopping by!

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I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!