Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Altered Tea Bag Box

 When I'm on a creative roll and The Muse is itching to play all day my work space can get a little chaotic.  Challenges like ICAD or The 100 Day Project really get that going and I noticed that my completed cards (for The 100 Day Project) were starting to get scattered around my desk and lost in clutter.

When I first participated in ICAD a few years ago I altered a tea bag box to store the cards in.  The box is the perfect size for 3" x 5" index cards.  (You can see that box HERE.)  The other day as I was glancing around the studio I spotted my collection of ICAD boxes on the shelf.  Lightning Bolt!  Time to create a box for the latest project.  Not only is it fun to look at it perched on my desk awaiting more creations but it inevitably leads me to wandering through my cards to see my progress so far; that's a good motivator.

In the spirit of  my 100 Day theme (using under-used supplies or items that have been in my stash for ages) I went through my gel print and washi tape stashes to find these oldies but goodies.  I opted to decorate the inside and outside because I think it just looks nicer - especially in the beginning stages where it's not very full yet.

I love monoprinting on book pages and I love this green.  It makes me think of wandering in one of our beautiful Pacific Northwest forests with dappled sunlight peeking through the branches.

Looking forward to filling this baby up.  Have a great day!

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I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!