Monday, February 21, 2022

#the100DayProject 2022 - Days 1-7

 Initially I thought I was going to opt out of The 100 Day Project this year. Last year I lost interest pretty quickly and, let's face it, 100 days is a long time - practically a third of a year!  BUT, as I was working my way through the Creative Jumpstart workshop I started realizing how much STUFF I have.  My art space is chaotic and overflowing and even though I know where things are 95% of the time there are so many supplies I have that I don't use.  In the spirit of rediscovering old favorites I decided that I would work my way through my stash of supplies for the next 100 days.  I recently went through a couple of drawers where I was apparently hoarding school supplies as well and I discovered an overabundance of index cards so my creations will be on 3"x5" index cards.   

The first week found me digging into my stash of paper scraps and gel prints.  Like any good art supply hoarder I keep almost all my paper scraps.  I also have so many gel prints (because who doesn't love a good gel printing sesh??) and many of them have been waiting for the 'perfect project'.  Honestly, I could probably spend my whole 100 days just using these 2 supplies.  Who knows...maybe I will.  In any event here's what I came up with this week.

Day 1/100

I love this little gargoyle.  He has been floating around waiting to be used on something for quite some time.  The book pages have been in the paper scrap bin for a while, too.  The green paper bit above is what inspired the whole thing and I thought I would be using it, but didn't this time.  The Color Burst watercolors have been in my stash since they were released but I've only used them a few times.  Washi tape hoarding is also an issue.  😏

Day 2/100

Falling on Valentines' Day it seemed obligatory to use a heart this day.  I am trying to use up acrylic paint that has been in my stash for a long time (background), more paper scraps, a stamp that I've had for ages and my cheesecloth stash.  The blue you see on the background is actually a pearlescent pink paint (that I may have used once?) over black paint.  It's really pretty - I should use that more often!

Day 3/100

That Sizzix die is ANCIENT.  I honestly don't remember the last time I used it, if I ever have.  I also used my sewing machine (hardly ever pull that out), paper scraps, old rubber stamp, and a security envelope from my stash.

Day 4/100

Again with the paper scraps...I also used googly eyes.  LOL...I really had a thing for googly eyes several years ago,  I came upon Clare Lloyd, a collage artist, while roaming around Pinterest.  I love her work.  She inspired this card.

Day 5/100

I don't know how I found her but I was blown away by Froyle Davies, a New Zealand artist, this week.  She makes the most beautiful collages.  I took one of her Skillshare classes and had an excellent, inspired gel printing session (oops...more prints that need to be used).  I LOVE these prints!  In addition to print bits I used a marked up index card (X's) and some printed tissue paper from the stash.

Day 6/100

I guess I was still feeling collage-y.  I noticed a gel print scrap sitting on my desk and it reminded me of hair for some reason.  Dug into the scrap bin again today to come up with the bits for this guy.

Day 7/100

Our last one for the first week!  Using up older acrylic paints, scraps, Posca pen (need to reach for these more), and a Bingo card that I've had forever.

Thanks for stopping by.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you have joined again this year, some brilliant makes here!

    Sally xx


I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what you think about this post. Have a spectacular day!